Nathan Drapela wins Fulbright Scholarship for Switzerland

I am very excited to have received the Fulbright to Switzerland for this upcoming academic year. I am in the early stages of researching and writing a dissertation on the role of narrative in the constitution of selfhood as it pertains to writers from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with a particular interest in Adalbert Stifter, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Robert Walser, among others. My current plan is to use the idea of rumination (Wiederkäuen) as a thematic and theoretical focus for considering the act of self-narration as a repetitive process of (re-)reading and (re-)writing one’s life, which is in turn related to the repetitive physical activities of eating and walking. I am very grateful to the Fulbright program for this opportunity to study at the University of Zürich, where I will be able to work with scholars researching related topics and access archival materials relevant for my project. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the start date for all Fulbright grants has been postponed to January, but I am hopeful that I will be able travel to Switzerland at that point and make the most of this exciting opportunity.