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Henry W. Pickford’s (Ph.D. 2001, Yale University) research interests focus on modern philosophy and literature in German and Russian, with emphasis on the German philosophical tradition from Kant to Critical Theory. He is the author of The Sense of Semblance: Philosophical Analyses of Holocaust Art (Fordham University Press); Thinking with Tolstoy and Wittgenstein: Emotion, Expression and Art (Northwestern University Press; has now appeared in Russian translation with Academic Studies Press); co-author of In Defense of Intuitions: A New Rationalist Manifesto (Palgrave Macmillan); co-editor of Der aufrechte Gang im windschiefen Kapitalismus: Modelle kritischen Denkens (Springer Verlag); editor and translator of Theodor W. Adorno, Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords (Columbia University Press) and Selected Early Poems of Lev Loseff (Spuytenduyvil Press); and author of over twenty-five articles and book chapters. He is currently co-authoring the book Adorno: A Critical Life, co-editing the Oxford Handbook to Adorno, and editing and translating a selection from Adorno’s notebooks. He has a secondary appointment in Duke's Philosophy department.
“Life, Logic, Style.” Wittgenstein and Literary Studies. Eds. Robert Chodat and John Gibson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming..
“Remarks on the Riddle-Character of Art and Metaphysical Experience in Adorno.” Constelaciones: Revista de Teoría Crítica 11/12 (2019/2020): 78-99.
“’Teaching of Life’: Tolstoy’s Moral-Philosophical Aesthetics.” The Palgrave Handbook to Russian Thought. Eds. Marina Bykova and Lina Steiner. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021: 597-620.
“Adorno.” Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism. Eds. Alex Callinicos, Stathis Kouvelakis, and Lucia Pradella. London: Routledge, 2021. 139-154.
“Adorno and Literary Criticism.” A Companion to Adorno. Eds. Peter Gordon, Espen Hammer and Max Pensky. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2020. 365-381.